Connection to the Service


To perform the integration with the CDEK IS using the data exchange protocol (v2.0), you should:

  1. Conclude a contract with CDEK

  2. Review the documentation and frequently asked questions on the website

  3. Implement, configure and test the process using your test account:





    Secure password


    The test account has the following limitations:

    • the client's orders created through the test account are not displayed in the client's personal account on the website;
    • the test account is not tied to the contract. Therefore, no discounts and extra charges provided for by the contract, are available;
    • parcels for test accounts will not be processed and/or delivered.

  4. When you have tested and settled everything, you should make an access parameters for production environment. To do this, in your personal account, in the Integration section, click the "Create Key" button, then the Account ID and Password will appear in this section.

  5. Launch the decisions into production

The e-shop can be notified about data transmission results by email. These notifications may contain information on both successfully loaded orders and data transmission errors. The e-shop can unsubscribe from these notifications, but it should be noted that all data on maintenance and changes in the protocol are also sent to this email. All notifications are sent from email: in the UTF-8 format. To connect notifications, you should contact the technical support service indicating your contract number.


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